Friday, December 24, 2010

To The Ignorant

The other day I got into a discussion the other day with a group of people who didn't quite understand the point of the United States Armed Forces. I tried to calmly explain to them the point that there are people willing to sacrifice large chunks of their lives to protect what was fought over in the Revolutionary War. I was thinking how to educate them and stay in the holiday spirit. So I thought of the one poem that can make the most hardened heart cry. "The Soldier's Silent Night" depicts Santa making his rounds and he happens upon a one room hut where a soldier is sleeping on top of a poncho. The soldier wakens and tells Santa that he knew what he was getting into when he signed the papers, and Santa stays there staring and crying as the soldier sleeps. And for one last time, the soldier wakes, and tells Santa that it's alright to continue delivering gifts..."All's Secure." Those two words are probably the most comforting words a soldier can hear in the darkness of foreign lands and countries that are far less fortunate than the good ol' U.S. of A.

After telling them this, and being interrupted many times, they still chose to be ignorant. I don't get it, and I probably never will. This post is aimed at those who don't care about our troops, and think that having a military at all is a waste of time, money, and resources. Those "wastes of space" are the ones who make sure that every night when you go to bed, that you have the FREEDOM to do so. When you wake up the next morning, and pour your first cup of coffee, you can CHOOSE whether or not you even GO to a JOB that you had some say in accepting. You don't have some dictatorship TELLING you when or where you will work, or even WHAT your job is.

To all of the Marines, Airmen, Sailors, and Soldiers that fight for the mere thought of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Thank you my friends, you truly do inspire and amaze me, and what you give up. For those of you who don't feel the same way, I pity you.

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