In All Seriousness
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Keep Putting It Off
Interesting word isn't it? The definition that society has attached to the word means "Someone who often puts off matters that need to be dealt with immediately to another time." Most people who have been labled or call themselves procrastinators will often procrastinate in order to have more time to do those things that they enjoy.
Is it just me, or have we as a society been listening just a bit too much to what "Society" deems correct? Parts of society say that it's "okay" to put off doing certain things like paying taxes, paying bills, taking care of our families, or even taking total and complete care of ourselves. We procrastinate on doing things because society has deemed it a "tolerable" act. Why would you wand to put off anything that has to do with either your own well being or your family's? Why put off overcoming things like fear, addiction, anger, or hate? Why not just "man-up" and deal with it?
"I once bought a book on how to overcome procrastination. I have yet to read it." ~Anonymous The ability to not procrastinate comes from within ourselves. However, the inspiration to enable our ability to overcome procrastination can come from anywhere. Just look around you. It can be from your kids, friends, family members, spouses, religious leaders, religious views, and even a stranger. Never procrastinate about those things that can very well save your life, marriage, happiness, or freedom. " Nothing is quite as fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." -William JamesA Place To Fit In
KP (Priesthood) also shared a story of an experience he and his wife had. They were the visiting/home teachers for a couple that they had known for awhile, and the husband had been in the hospital for awhile, and one night as they were on their way to do something, KP's wife said "Let's drop in at the hospital." So following his wife's prompting, they stopped at the hospital to check in with the gentleman. As they got to his room, and began searching for him, they learned he had just recently passed away. After learning the news, KP and his wife went to the newly widowed woman's home. By the time they had gotten there, the lady had just gotten the phone call from the hospital a few minutes prior to their arrival. She hadn't yet had time to call family, or friends. But with the help of KP and his wife, the arrangements were made easily.
"Angels are within those whom we least suspect, or those we push away the most" ~Richard Gallagher (1967-2008) Sometimes I feel as if I am not important, and life could go on without me. There are things that I need or want to do, but can't do it. I feel at times as well that some people are biased and superficial. Tonight I was reminded that if I was gone some people would miss me. I got very warm and enthusiastic grins and "Hey! You're here! I've missed you today!" It made me feel like I am loved and wanted, and that I belong somewhere in this crazy mixed up world.
"Feeling as if you belong in some sense can make one stronger than the hardest obstacle they might ever face." ~AnonymousIn Tune
Last night during Stake Choir practice we, as a group were not quite being the choir that we are capable of being. Singing and sight-reading is not a walk in the park. Sometimes you nail it on the head, sometimes you miss it by a mile. Being in this choir, knowing what we are capable of as a group takes a lot more than people think. It takes heart, determination, dedication, and most definately accountability. For the last few weeks attendance has been horrendous, and I don't blame MB for being frustrated. The full size of the choir: 85, the number that attended last night: 50.
In our being a little bit blockheaded, we were making the rudimentary mistakes that one would expect out of a new choir. Our choir has been together for three years now, and have blown minds with the spirit we bring to a meeting. Out of pure frustration, MB stated " I know this choir is better than this. You can't say 'let's learn to read...oh wait no, let's learn the A-B-C's' and continue to bounce like that. We have to do it at the same time. You can do so much better than this, so let's do this and get it right!" I believe that statement fed all 50 of us enough to make us realize that though she was frustrated, MB would NEVER give up on us as long as we tried our hardest. She might give the music stand or the top of the organ a good hard thump, throw what ever was handy at us, or tug our ears individually, but she will NEVER give up on us. Being able to meet the standards that we have set for ourselves, and that she has set for us is worth all of the extra knowledge about our vocal instrument that she shares with us. We are an AWESOME choir (yes, I am incredibly biased).
So in order to turn heads as we plan to do on June 18, we as a choir need to get ourselves back in order, realigned with the Holy Spirit, live up to our own expectations, and those that were set for us, and get our butts back in tune!Saturday, April 9, 2011
Potty Training Hell
With my daughter turning 4 in June of 2010, my resolution as "Supermom" was to potty train her in only a matter of days. (Those of you with experience don't laugh so hard, you might hurt yourselves) Needless to say, I fell on my face -HARD. Those of you who are endlessly optimistic would say to me that at least I fell forward, and as I get up and dust myself off, I will not have to look back at the place from which I fell.
MDLO(My Dear Little One) is less afraid of the toilet now than she was back then, so it is less traumatizing to an extent. Now I just need to convince her that wearing "Disney's Princesses" panties is the "Bomb-diggity". I won't lie, at times I wish I was that small again, I'd seriously be after Tinkerbell panties! For some reason, I always think the generations after me have the coolest stuff. At least I had Cabbage Patch Kids, Care Bears, Smurfs, and the ORIGINAL My Little Pony. Anyone remember those Polly Pocket playsets that folded up in to a heart?
If anyone ever asked me for potty training advice, I would tell them one thing whole heartedly. " Do NOT start trying to potty train in the evening! Start from the minute the little one gets up. I started training in the evening and it became stressful. MDLO and I were both tired and irritable. It just seemed over all harder to keep her attention. The next day she started potty training the minute she got up, and surprisingly began getting her potty seat ready and getting herself on it when it was "Potty Time". Hopefully within the next few days we have more of a schedule or rhythm rather than a haphazard chicken race.
Oh the joys of potty training.Such a Trend
I saw a guy today that was as white as the day is long wearing a baseball cap covered in what he insisted were Japanese characters. My first thought: "If they're Japanese, why aren't they glowing?" Sick? Yes. Sadistic? A little. Funny? A lot at the time.
I asked the gentleman if he knew what the symbols meant and he claimed "Warrior, knowledge, and strength". My first thought: "Would he still be wearing it if they really meant butterflies, flowers, and cute fuzzy little bunnies that twitched their noses in a meadow"? By his size and the way he carried himself, I would seriously doubt it. A former Marine no less, he'd burn the hat, and then hunt down and kill the man who sold it to him. True Data
How is it that we as a society will trust a foreign nation to "translate" fashion to the entire world, but can't trust our neighbors with the $5 bill we left laying on the kitchen counter? How do we know these symbols that have woven their way into our everyday fashion wear really mean what they claim? Are we certain that when properly translated the famed "Happiness, love, and friendship" symbols don't really mean "Jerk, asshat (Thanks for the word Casey!), and complete douche?" If that were the case, I'd feel REALLY "special". And then yet another "savvy trend" would die just as quick as it had begun. "Another one bites the dust"
As bad as it sounds, the very same people who brought you the "innocent" symbols began printing "M.I.L.F." t-shirts without knowing the meaning behind it. The biggest demographic to purchase the new "awesome" trendy tee? Teenage boys. *Facepalms, and shakes my head" Sometimes there is just no helping people.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
To The Dead......To The Loved Ones Left Behind
Two years ago today I received terrible news. A friend of mine had passed away. Not by natural means mind you, but by his own hand. I saw how torn it made his family, and I regretted the fact that I had to see them hurt in such a way. His father, and ever strong, devoted, and amazingly patriotic retired Air Force Technical Sergeant broke as if he were glass being shattered by a mallet. His younger brother, a fresh Airman still in Basic Training seemed as if everything he knew had crashed in around him. It very well may have. Of the three younger brothers, two of them showed no emotion at the Memorial service, and one let show how much he hurt. I believe that though all of these men who were left behind are related, they definately took grief in their own ways.
Also, yesterday I learned that my paternal grandmother had passed away on March 30. I started out by being angry because my dad never called or told me about it. I had to find out through a cousin who I haven't seen since I was four. Granted I am not Catholic, but i would have liked to have been able to share the family's grief as they felt it. I learned that her rosary was this past Sunday and the funeral service itself was on Monday. I officially feel like an ass, and hope that God will forgive me for not being with my family in their time of need.
To The Dead...No matter who you are or how you died, know that we love you, and that someone in the mortal scheme of things remembers you. The way you looked, smiled, laughed, your likes and dislikes, your talents, your strengths and weaknesses. You will be remembered through several generations. Those of us left behind have stories and memories to share. So please go on to the here after and rest in peace.
To Those That Are Left Behind...Death is never easy. Doesn't matter how old you are, how rich you are, how you lived your life. Death is truly the only disease without prejudice. It has been happening for thousands of years. When Jesus walked the earth and taught the masses, he felt pain, and thirst, hunger and sickness, and finally death. Death is a natural part of being mortal, and the only way we can become immortal. It is a rite of passage. I am not saying don't hurt, ache, or cry for those who have gone before us. But take into consideration the fact that maybe now they are not in the pain that they were in on this planet. They now have the chance they need to rest, and become whole. They can be the person you knew them as being before they passed away. Though we may not be able to see our loved ones who have passed away from mortality, and have woken up on the other side, they are ALWAYS with us, and are always watching us. So when you're feeling blue about someone being gone from this mortal existence, just remember that they know you miss them and love them, but now they are truly in peace. Smile, remember, laugh, and love. For these to a mortal soul are healing.